Biome Solutions

Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis promote tomato growth

Abstract Bacillus spp. are widely marketed and used in agricultural systems as antagonists to various phytopathogens, but it can also benefit the plant as plant growth promoters. Therefore, the longer presence of the bacterium in the rhizosphere would result in a prolonged growth-promoting benefit, but little is yet known about its persistence in the rhizosphere after […]

Harnessing microbial multitrophic interactions for rhizosphere microbiome engineering

Abstract The rhizosphere is a narrow and dynamic region of plant root-soil interfaces, and it’s considered one of the most intricate and functionally active ecosystems on the Earth, which boosts plant health and alleviates the impact of biotic and abiotic stresses. Improving the key functions of the microbiome via engineering the rhizosphere microbiome is an emerging tool for improving plant growth, resilience, […]

Rhizobacteria control damping-off and promote growth of lima bean with and without co-inoculation with Rhizobium tropici CIAT899

Abstract Rhizoctonia solani compromises the production of lima bean, an alternative and low-input food source in many tropical regions. Inoculation of bacterial strains has been used, but research on their biocontrol and growth promotion potential on lima bean is scarce. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of inoculation with rhizobacterial strains of […]

How can an in vitro incompatibility of Trichoderma-based products and herbicides impact the parasitism and control of white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) De Bary)?

Abstract The integration of management methods for both diseases and weeds depends on the compatibility between the tools. Biological control represents an important strategy to cope with the integrated management of white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) through parasitism of sclerotia. However, its application in the field is more cost-effective if combined with the herbicide in a […]

Microbial consortia of biological products: Do they have a future?

Highlights Abstract Beneficial microbes play crucial role in modern agriculture, serving as biopesticides, biostimulants/biofertilizers, and alleviating abiotic stress in crops. Their multifaceted functions contribute significantly to crop health and sustainability, aligning with the principles of regenerative agriculture by minimizing carbon footprints and reducing dependence on agrichemical inputs. The concept of ‘microbial consortia’, involving the combination […]

Biológicos: Melhor retorno sobre investimento para a safra 2020/21

Com a alta do dólar no primeiro semestre, os preços dos químicos e fertilizantes dispararam no mercado internacional, atingindo quase 50% de aumento em relação ao mesmo período do ano passado. Com isso, os agricultores brasileiros que não tinham adquirido os insumos para a safra 2020/21, se optarem agora pelos mesmos produtos vão pagar muito […]