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Rhizobacteria control damping-off and promote growth of lima bean with and without co-inoculation with Rhizobium tropici CIAT899


Rhizoctonia solani compromises the production of lima bean, an alternative and low-input food source in many tropical regions. Inoculation of bacterial strains has been used, but research on their biocontrol and growth promotion potential on lima bean is scarce. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of inoculation with rhizobacterial strains of the genera BacillusBrevibacillus, PaenibacillusBurkholderia, Pseudomonas, and Rhizobium in combination or not with N2-fixing Rhizobium tropici on the control of damping-off disease and growth promotion in lima bean plants. Greenhouse experiments were conducted to evaluate the inoculation with bacterial strains with biocontrol potential in combination or not with R. tropici in substrate infected with Rsolani CML 1846. Growth promotion of these strains was also assessed. Strains of Brevibacillus (UFLA 02-286), Pseudomonas (UFLA 02-281 and UFLA 04-885), Rhizobium (UFLA 04-195), and Burkholderia (UFLA 04-227) co-inoculated with the strain CIAT 899 (Rhizobium tropici) were the most effective in controlling Rsolani, reducing the disease incidence in 47–60% on lima bean. The promising strains used in the biocontrol assays were also responsive in promoting growth of lima bean under disease and sterile conditions. A positive synergistic effect of co-inoculation of different genera contributed to plant growth, and these outcomes are important first steps to improve lima bean production.

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